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School Overview

Welcome to Naramake Elementary School

Naramake Elementary is located in Norwalk, Connecticut, and has been part of the Norwalk community since 1962. Currently, Naramake Elementary serves 350 students in grades PreK – 5 and is one of 12 public elementary schools in the area. Naramake has an outstanding community of dedicated teachers and students supported by a very active PTA

Naramake is on the move! We recently partnered with the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE) to provide all teachers in grades K – 5 with professional development on research-based teaching strategies that engage students in a rigorous, collaborative learning environment in which positive relationships are nurtured and students are empowered to take responsibility for their learning.

We are currently exploring a “theme” or “pathway” that will build on our rigor-relevance work with ICLE.


To learn more about our Naramake Community, contact: