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Parent Teacher Association


See everyone August 28, 2023 for another fun school year! 



Dear Parents,  

The NES PTA (Naramake Elementary School Parent Teacher Association) extends a warm welcome to those of you who are new to our school, and a welcome back to all those returning for the 2019-2020 school year.

The NES PTA is a volunteer group of parents and teachers who work together for the betterment of the students and their educational experience.  It takes many hands and minds to support all our PTA goals, so of course We Need Your Help!

Working together, we can truly make a difference at the school and in the lives of our children.  Without parent volunteers, we cannot be successful.  We encourage parents to volunteer and we have opportunities that fit everyone’s schedule.  You can volunteer as much or as little as you want, but please DO try and help when you can.

If you are not already receiving emails from the PTA, please send us an email at requesting to be added to our mailing list.

Please also be sure to LIKE our Facebook page (NES PTA) and follow us on Instagram @naramake_pta 

Your involvement with the PTA is much appreciated!  Please join us in making this a successful year! 

Thank you,

Nina Duffy, NES PTA President